Work Meeting
On the afternoon of 23rd November, 2018, all the teaching and administrative staff of Anqing Foreign Language School’s Junior High Section in the west campus attended the 12th-week work meeting in the first semester of the 2018-2019 academic year at the first-floor School Lecture Hall, which was chaired by Principal Assistant Ling Qian.
This regular meeting consisted of three sessions. First, mid-term periodic summary; Second, mid-term examination; Third, unify the mind and broaden consensus. At the regular session, Principal Assistant Ling Qian profoundly summarized the overall situation of the school’s work before and after the mid-term examination and hoped that everyone would unify their thoughts, broaden consensus and hold high the four banners of life, science, system and students’ interest. In accordance with the mid-term examination, Principal Assistant Ling Qian asked all the discipline teachers to identify the reasons for the gap analysis to find countermeasures to gain experience and lay emphasis on the learning methods. In the meantime, he encouraged teachers to break down experience barriers, break through teaching bottlenecks, understand the forward-looking teaching concepts, realize self-enhancement, dare to innovate, be bold in practice, share ideas in addition to achieving common progress on the path to their professional development.
On the whole, this meeting has made clear the direction of future efforts and stimulated the spirit of teachers to work hard and study industriously. The whole meeting brought to a successful close in an inspiring and happy atmosphere.
